This came just a few days after he posted a viral video asking Nigerians for financial aid so he could travel abroad for a kidney transplant.

A prominent actor and film director, Ugeze J. Ugeze, confirmed the sad news to Vanguard yesterday, stating that the late actor was recently discharged from the hospital while raising funds for his future treatment abroad.

He described the deceased as a passionate performer who was always willing to be instructed on set.

“Muonagor gave it all. He was someone I’d directed countless times. “God knows best,” Ugeze explained.

Also corroborating the report, a notable social media influencer and chairman of the Delta State Sports Association, Morris Monye, said on his official X (previously Twitter) that famed Nigerian actor, Amaechi Muonagor is dead.
According to him, the actor’s passing left him terribly heartbroken. “I am deeply saddened by the news of Amaechi Muonagor’s death. He was a gifted Nollywood actor whose presence on our screens was genuinely magnificent.

“This tragic loss emphasizes the need for improved healthcare in our country,” he added.

Just a week ago, in a heartbreaking video, the 61-year-old Nollywood star pleaded Nigerians for financial assistance for his kidney transplant.

On November 27, 2023, the actor’s relative Tony ‘Oneweek’ Muonagor confirmed that he had kidney disease.

Muonagor has acted in dozens of films during his career, including one of his most well-known parts, as the father of two mischievous, joyful teenagers.

Mr. Ibu (John Okafor) died on March 2, 2024, and Muonagor died shortly after.

Amaechi was born in the community of Obosi in Anambra State’s Idemili North. He attended St. Mary’s Primary School in Obosi and Oraifite Grammar School before continuing his education at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) where he studied economics and graduated in 1987.

Amaechi began working for NAN (National News Agency of Nigeria) in 1989, following his youth service.
He left his job a few years later to play Akunatakasi in his first film, Taboo 1, a Nigerian production.

17 thought on “Amaechi Muonagor, a veteran Nollywood actor, dies at age 62.”
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